STC Hyderabad Learning Session – 2016

By, Padmaja Prasad

Broadridge Financial Solutions, an icon in the market of financial service industry, was the venue sponsor for the STC Hyderabad Learning Session, conducted on January 30, 2016.


The Speakers spiced up the event with valuable information, good interaction, and interesting presentations, which were well received by all the participants. The refreshing snack break also gave the participants an opportunity to network.

Here is a summary of the topics presented:

There was a wonderful presentation on Instructional Designing, which is making notable progress in the area of e-learning. The session gave valuable insight on ‘Learning Objectives’ (LO) and its aspects; outcome based LO, and LO class Cohesion and SCORM.

The ‘Seven Habits of Effective Technical Communicators’ was an interactive presentation which quoted real life scenarios on the concepts Read, Review, Research, Discipline, Networking, Solve Problems, and Write. The humorous session, gradually took a scientific turn and explained with substantial evidence on how habits become a part of our muscle memory, and how this muscle memory influences our instincts in decision-making. The book Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg was suggested as further reading.

The common mistakes made during ‘Resume Writing and Interview’ were shared with the participants. The consequences of adding false information in resumes were discussed. This was a highly interactive session as participants shared their experiences.

The day was wrapped up with the concept of ‘Single Sourcing’ and its benefits were explained in detail along with the tools being currently used.

Overall, the day was eventful and well received by the participants.

Padmaja Prasad
STC Hyderabad City Representative – 2016

About the Author

Padmaja is a Senior Writer with Broadridge. She has also worked in Human Resource Management. She believes in – “What you have learned is a mere handful; what you haven’t learned is the size of the world”. You can contact her at