STC 2012 Zip Conference

STC India Chapter is glad to announce the Pune Zip Conference on 30th June 2012 (Saturday.)

It will be a 1-day conference with sessions related to

· TW Theory
· TW Tools
· Management Topics

This mail is Call for Papers from interested presenters.

Please note:

· Session Timing will be 30 Minutes (including Q&A)
· If you are interested, please send us a mail giving the following details.
1. Subject
2. Outline of the presentation
3. Brief bio of presenter(s)

Send your information through email to (feel free to attach any supporting material, presentations.)

· If your presentation is selected, you will get a complimentary registration to the conference.
· It will be a 1-day conference so that outstation participants can arrive and travel back on the same day.
· Paper selection will be done by a committee appointed by STC India.
· We are also planning a 1-hour debate or panel discussion. Suggestions for topics are most welcome!
· Last date for submitting proposals is 23rd May 2012.
· The conference is supported by Technowrites Connect.

Looking forward to welcoming all of you to the conference.

Mak Pandit
Program Manager
STC 2012 Zip Conference