[Apr 2010] STC Announcements

Preliminary Schedule Announced for STC’s 2010 Summit

STC conference website’s Live Learning Center has a preliminary schedule for the 2010 Summit, 2-5 May in Dallas, Texas. It has the full schedule of educational session. Minor edits in the schedule may be necessary. Click here for details.

New Format for News & Notes

The STC News & Notes newsletter is cleaner & simpler now. If you have any requests or suggestions, please email them to newsandnotes@stc.org.

STC Elections 2010
The STC 2010 Election opened 9 March and ended 8 April 2010. See the outcome here.

STC Carolina webinar on SEO
On Thursday, 29 April, the STC Carolina Chapter presented a GoToWebinar session from 6:30-8:00 PM EDT (GMT-4) on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This webinar was available to STC members and nonmembers.

Share Your Thoughts on STC and National School Standards
The New York Times published an editorial about the proposed national school standards. In part, the editorial states, “The proposals are writing-intensive and vertically aligned, building in complexity each year. The goal is to develop strong reasoning skills earlier than is now customary.” What do you think STC’s role should be in this discussion? Read more, see some comments, and post your thoughts on STC’s Notebook blog here and here.

Announcements compiled by Indus task force member Ashish Gupta.

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