STC Announcements

  • The STC membership renewal period for 2012 is underway. Dues are same as in 2011. Dues for SIG have gone down! Referral discounts remain as is. And MadCap software is again paying for your STC membership. Read more details about 2012 membership here. All STC members must have paid their dues by 29 February 2012 to be eligible to vote in the election.
  • STC’s Chapters and SIGs hold regular events throughout the year, many of which are virtual and open to all STC members. Bookmark the Community Events page on STC’s Notebook and keep an eye on events from STC’s communities!
  • The certificate course schedule for 2012 is starting to take shape, with a few courses scheduled.
  • STC president Hillary Hart shares a wonderful midterm report of all the STC activities, initiatives, and plans here.
  • The 2012 slate of candidates for STC office is announced here.
  • STC recently unveiled a new member-centric ad campaign, with testimonials from members talking about the value of the Society. Do you have a similar story? Would you like to be part of this new campaign? Visit here for more details.

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