[Aug 2010] STC Announcements

Used with permission from Anagha Chandratrey.2011 Summit and Call for Proposals

2011 Summit will be held in Sacramento, California, during 15-18 May 2011. Call for proposals are tentatively scheduled to open 2 August and close 4 October. Keep checking the STC conference website for formal announcements.

Recorded Sessions of STC Summit 2010

If you missed the 2010 STC Summit in Dallas, you can still access all the learning by purchasing a package from SUMMIT@aClick. For $249 for members and $499 for nonmembers you can access almost all of the sessions. Know more here.

STC Offers Certificate Course

TechComm 101, presented by Leah Guren is now timed for international members, during 16 August-27 September (every Monday), at 10:00-11:30 AM GMT+3. Check here for more details.

New Assistant Manager of Community Relations

Fatima Issa has joined STC as the new assistant manager of community relations. She will be handling community relations in addition to providing administrative and financial support to STC. Read a short profile here.

Reminder: Dates for STC Recognition Programs

Nicky Bleiel, STC Director and Board liaison to the Recognitions Committee, announced the deadlines for many of STC’s recognition programs. Check here for the dates to submit applications for Associate Fellow and Fellow; Distinguished Service Awards (DCSA/DSSA/DSAS), Jay Gould Award, Ken Rainey Award, Sigma Tau Chi/Alpha Sigma; and Community Achievement Award.

STC Live Webinar Schedule

STC has scheduled webinars through November, with more to be added in the coming weeks. Visit the STC Live Web Seminar site to see the full schedule.

International Competition Award Winners Announced

The 2010 International Technical Publication Competition (ITRC) Award Winners and the International Online Communication Competition (IOCC) Award winners have been posted to the STC website here and here, respectively. See this link for more information, and keep an eye out for details on the revamped competition.

Opportunities for Advanced Learning

STC is providing one-hour webinars and multiweek Online Certificate Courses. Check the webinar page for Shake Up the Structure: Taking a Fresh Look at Information Organization, presented by Leah Guren on 28 August. Saul Carliner presents Technical Communication Manager, an Online Certificate Courses, weekly from 14 October through 18 November. Phylise Banner presents an accelerated course on Instructional Design for e-Learning from 30 November to 9 December.

Announcements compiled by Indus task force member Ashish Gupta.

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