Writing My First DITA-Ready Topic

Anne Sequeira

When I first heard about DITA, I thought to myself, ok here is something new for me to learn and implement. I was wrong in a way. Though DITA was a new kind of documentation technique to me, what I didn’t realise is that I had in a way been implementing DITA in my procedures: I had all the elements of DITA in my procedures alright, but I had jumbled them all up. I had failed to realise that all I needed to do was not a drastic change in the way I write but — in the small and made-easy manner of DITA — change the way I presented what I wrote.

Discovering DITA was like discovering a feature you didn’t know your phone had all this while. It was sitting out there, waiting to be applied.

Now you may think that writing a DITA-compliant procedure is something you have to sit and rack your brains over. You may also feel that now you will take forever to write a procedure and it may run on for more pages than you wish. Well, I would say, that is not really accurate.

Using DITA actually makes your procedures concise and useful. You no longer have to worry about what fits and what doesn’t. Breaking your procedures into the various DITA elements helps you see whether certain information needs to be added, moved, or deleted. And then suddenly, when you begin to write procedures, you automatically start adding, deleting, and moving information around like you need to do with DITA. Before you know it, DITA has already changed the way your procedures look.

So how do you get started? There are many approaches and I feel this certainly depends on the writing style of each writer.

Maybe this will help:

  • Identify your user goals
  • Create task flows for any tasks you want to document
  • Identify separate tasks
  • Isolate concepts and reference information from your tasks
  • Create a navigation map for all this information
  • Fit in links wherever applicable
  • Preview your information

When I wrote my first procedure in DITA, I first wrote the steps like you do in any procedure. And then, I worked on moving them around and classifying them into three kinds of DITA topics, which are:

  • Concept
  • Task
  • Reference

But my work in DITA didn’t end there. I realised that blessed DITA has a further dis-integration of each topic. It was like taking your procedure and ripping it apart, exposing it for what it really is, making it open for scrutiny. And then, you notice, you need titles, descriptions and body sections under each topic, so your procedure would look something like this:

  • Concepts
    • Title
    • Short_description
    • Concept_body
    • Related_links
  • Tasks
    • Title
    • Short_description
    • Task_body
    • Related_links
  • Reference
    • Title
    • Short_description
    • Reference_body
    • Related_links

And now you may ask, is this all? You may argue that you already implement all this anyway, without DITA. So I have to inform you that no, this is not all. The best and the most interesting part of DITA that sends a shiver down your procedure’s spine is here.

The Task and Reference bodies now have to be broken down to actually put some level of usability in your procedures. Here is how it should ideally look:

  • Concepts
    • Title
    • Short_description
    • Concept_body
    • Related_links
  • Tasks
    • Title
    • Short_description
    • Task_body
    • Context
    • Steps (ordered or unordered)
      • Commands (with UI_elements)
      • Sub-steps (with information, example, and results)
      • Choices
      • Information
      • Step example
      • Step result
    • Result (of the task)
    • Example (of the task)
    • Post-requisite
    • Related_links
  • Reference
    • Title
    • Short_description
    • Reference_body
      • Examples
      • Section
      • Tables
    • Related_links

So you see that what you have actually done is identify and classify your steps into different buckets like example, result, information, commands, links, and UI elements. At this point it becomes easier to identify complete and incomplete steps or procedures. You need to ask yourself: Do I need to provide some information in this step, or does what I have provided, serve as one? Is some part of my step just plain information to the user or is it an example of some sort? Have I noted down results of user actions in steps where it is applicable?

You now have a right to question if you really need DITA and if it is worth the trouble.

If usability is what you are looking for in your documents, then, yes, DITA is the best way. If you need to make sure your procedures have no loop-holes, then DITA is your guide.

If you don’t want your users to scratch their head and have it ache while going through procedures that give them the information they need, but in a clutter-free form, DITA can change things for you.

I think I am ready to give DITA a real shot. Are you?

About the Author

Anne Sequeira is a Technical Writer with Sasken Network Engineering Ltd.  Prior to this, she was with Wipro and Satyam.  She has an overall experience of 4 years, with close to 2 years in technical writing. Anne can be reached at anne.sequeira@sasken.com and annesequeira@gmail.com.


  1. Thanks a lot for this extremely clear article! For properly trained Technical Communicators, DITA is a piece of cake. Others might need some training in minimalism.

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