Mar-Apr 2011 Newsletter

Vol XIII, Issue 2

Four months have passed since the new year and new team working on another challenging year for the STC India newsletter! Thanks to those who wrote in commenting on the articles or via e-mail. Keep the feedback rolling in, we appreciate it!

We have some exciting articles in store this edition. The technical writing landscape is changing as we speak and new trends are changing the way we approach communication. We bring you Paul Trotter, CEO of Author-it, and his views on help authoring tools and trends. Manjusha Nair writes about planning for successful documentation execution in an Agile environment and Radhika P.C speaks about applying Lean Six Sigma principles to documentation. Manjula Kandula shares some ideas on the essential skills required for writers.

STC news and announcements keep you updated on what’s happening in India on the STC front.

The message from the STC India Chapter President, Rajdeep Gupta, is here.

We hope you find this edition informative and continue to contribute, make Indus a preferred publication for the technical writing community.

Anupama Gummaraju and Sreeraj Nair

If you want to write for INDUS, check out the authoring guidelines and send in your articles to the editors.