[Feb-2010] STC India Announcements

STC India chapter announces the launch 3 new Special Interest Groups – The Management SIG, the Corporate Communications SIG and the Usability SIG.

The Management SIG and program supports its members in managing technical communication groups, and in developing the skills needed to be an effective manager.

Corporate Communications SIG will have a training program starting in March for 15 participants.

Instructional Design and Editing SIGs are in the works and will be launched soon.

Makarand Pandit gets the Distinguished Chapter Service Award from STC, US. The award citation applauds his contribution in the following words: For leadership in establishing the India chapter and for sustained enthusiastic contributions to the India chapter and the STC global community.

A survey was conducted to identify the venue for the 2010 STC India Annual Conference. Delhi will host the conference this year. Promila Chitkara is the Program Manager.

Meenakshi Khanna of the STC India chapter has been elected to the Usability and User Experience Group office for the year 2010.

The competitions team is going to have competitions through the year. The first one will be announced soon and will be for redesigning the STC logo. Join the STC India mailing list to stay updated.

Makarand Pandit will continue to operate the STC India library in Pune.

The scholarship program is ready to launch and is looking forward to your inputs to reach a wider audience of students and aspiring tech writers. Write to Manju Shreshta or Susan Alexander with your suggestion and questions.

Nibu Thomas and Rajdeep Gupta of the STC India chapter won recovery packages awarded by STC.


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