Excellent User Experience

By Sneha Khanwelkar

Users gain excellent experience when they complete the task that they set out to do. Users experience a sense of accomplishment that is  not devoid of feeling when they effortlessly navigate through an application. As writers, we can study the whole aspect of a task to get a feel of it and contribute to delivering excellent user experience.

The simple look and feel of a page connects the user with the interface and keeps them engaged. This enhances the feeling of accomplishment which in turn lures users to perform the task.

When we talk about user experience, we talk about online purchase websites, mobiles, and how swift and clear or intuitive these applications are. However, as technical writers we are writing for larger, more complex product. Most products are in a specific domain. The screens have many tabs that lead you to sub screens. You tend to go into a sub screen, do a task, and then come back to the main page. Large and complex applications must convey the sense of success.

To retain interest and focus on the task at hand, apply the rules of minimalism and remove clutter from the page. Writers can contribute to keep tasks simple, and break huge tasks into smaller ones. Let the user navigate effortlessly from one step to another either on one page or through multiple pages.

A writer must anticipate human errors while performing a task. Understand the connections of what happens before and after a step is done. As writers,  we set up the platform for a first time traveler. Write for the person who is going to navigate through the software for the first time. The first page should make the user feel comfortable.

Address the user experience for each role . Follow the minimalist approach that:

  • Accepts that users learn by doing.
  • Focuses on information required to support tasks.
  • Reduces the time users must spend reading before and during product use.
  • Expects errors and provides recovery information.

Actions on a screen are a web of connected items. User experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.

What do users want?

They want simple, usable content that is easy to find.

Technical writers can make a users experience excellent by providing:

  • Clear instructions.
  • Tool tips to resolve errors promptly.
  • The feeling of completing the task quickly without any help.


  1. I agree with you. No matter whatever or whichever way you write, at the day’s end – a document is worth writing/giving if the user feels satisfied to perform his task. It is not a novel or a best seller that can entertain a reader’s mind.. its plainly written for a business use, and its v.imp to get that pulse! v.good article from you sneha .. keep it going! 🙂

  2. Yes, as writers we can improve the user experience by providing clear instructions and tool tips.

    Thanks for writing such a nice article on User Experience.

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